
Laterit Nikel Kalsinasyonu için Döner Fırın Kullanın

 Pengfei Group Developed to Laterit Nikel Kalsinasyonu için Döner Fırın Kullanın Pengfei Group developed to utilize rotary kiln for laterite nickel calcination At present, nickel smelting process is basically located in the situation of mainly living on electrolytic nickel. Thus, researching & developing to utilize new technology for produce ferro-nickel from laterite nickel is necessary. Utilizing laterite nickel to produce ferro-nickel is more reasonable on economy, so it is unnecessary to produce electrolytic nickel. In recently years, in order to ensure to meet the nickel demands of national economy d...
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Pengfei Group ve FLSmidth Arasındaki İşbirliği

Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd Has Established Long-term Strategic Cooperation Relationship with FLSmidth   Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd has held a grand signing ceremony in the head quarter for cooperation with FLSmidth which is the largest cement project contractor in the world! Establishing a long-term strategic cooperation relationship with FLSmidth and supplying advanced technological outfits for the development of cement industry together is a large breakthrough of implementing industrial structure adjustment, transforming economic increasing method and carrying out transform...
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Rüzgar Enerjisi Üretimi için Süper Büyük Döner Parçalar

  Undertake the Manufacturing of Tower Cylinder and Relevant Rüzgar Enerjisi Üretimi için Süper Büyük Döner Parçalar Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd is one of national manufacturing bases for large building machinery, and we are designated to be national exporting base for full set cement machineries. We mainly supply manufacturing, sales, installation, debugging services of Rotary Cement Machineries together with Mining,Metallurgical, Chemical and Environmental Mechanical Equipments. We have stronger processing power - the processing diameter of rotary and gear hobbing is 12m, annealing furnace is 6....
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Jiangsu Binası Mekanik Şube Üyeleri Toplantısı

Meeting of Mechanical Branch Members of Jiangsu Building Material Association are set up in Hai'an on May 22nd of 2010. Representatives from over 80 enterprises of building material mechanical industry came together, learn from each other and seek common development.   President of Chinese Building Material Mechanical Association Fang Fang, Secretary-general of Chinese Building Material Mechanical Association Yumin Wang, Council Chiarman of Jiangsu Building Material Association Changlan Nie, Director of Jiangsu Creative Technology Service Center Xiaoming, Yu, Hai'an Country & Standing Commi...
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Çimento Ekipmanları Pazarı Hala Daha Fazla Artıyor

Equipments to be exported to Yemen Taking Preventive Measures   Expanding Foreign Market with All Our Strength However, after years of fast developments, total production of Chinese Cement Industry reached 1.65 billion tons while the capacity exceeded 2.1 billion tons. So the space for building up new cement production line is small. When President of Holcim Group, Ian Riley accepted the interview of Chinese Cement, he said that Chinese Cement Consumption will raise up to the top after 5 years. While three-five years passed, what will such a large company which located in manufacturing cement making mac...
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Özbekistan Nukus 600T/D yeni kuru döner fırın klinker çimento üretim hattı devreye alındı

Uzbekistan TITAN Cement Joint Venture Co., Ltd. 600T/D new dry rotary kiln clinker cement production line was officially put into production on December 12, 2018. TITAN Cement Joint Venture Co., Ltd. is located in Nukus City, Republic of Uzbekistan. The project is contracted by Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd. The project covers engineering design, equipment procurement and supply, civil construction, mechanical and electrical equipment installation, commissioning, personnel training and so on. From the start of the project to today's success ignition and feeding production, it took more than two years....
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