We have set up the largest white cement production line with most complicated process flow – Anqing White Cement Plant which has two old small white cement production lines and the total annual capacity is 120,000ton white cement, meanwhile Denmark Maierbo Portland Group purchased and then set up Aalborg Portland (Anqing) Co., Ltd in Nov. of 2004. This company signed the turnkey contract with Tianjin Cement Industrial Design Institute Co., Ltd in Apr. of 2008 to set up a new modern white cement production line whose max. capacity could reach 465,000ton white cement clinker and 600,000ton white cement. The address of new plant located in Southern part of Bailushan, Yangqiao – northeast of Anqing.
Aalborg Portland (Anqing) Co., Ltd, üretim üssü Danimarka, Amerika, Mısır, Malezya ve Çin'de bulunan dünyanın en büyük beyaz çimento üreticisidir ve bu arada satış ağı tüm dünyaya yayılmıştır. Aalborg Portland (Anqing) Co., Ltd'nin üretim hattı üretime alındıktan sonra, dış duvar dekorasyonu için PW42.5, PW32.5 ve beyaz çimento üretirken, satışlar ağırlıklı olarak Çin'de ve Rusya, Japonya, Kore, Avustralya ve uzak doğu pazarlamasına yayılıyor.
The annual production of Aalborg Anqing White Cement Proje is 400,000ton white cement clinker according to turnkey contract, means daily production is 1300ton but the requested daily production could reach 1500ton, means max. white cement clinker production could reach 465,000ton which has become the max. white cement production line with most complicated process flow.
White Silicate cement is white cement which still belongs to silicate type cement. As the special requirements on white cement process has large discrepancy with normal silicate cement, the content of white cement clinker of MgO, SO3  and Fe2O3, thus the requirements on raw material is higher, outlet clinker need to utilize water to quick cooling & bleaching process to improve the white content of clinker. After clinker discharged from kiln (>1300℃), make Fe2O3 to reduce FeO via quick water cooling, iron aluminate will turn up in the form of C6AF2 to reduce the C4AF content which affect the white content, as it speeds up clinker cooling speed and produce large quantity of glass phase content which is hard to paint, thus compared to normal silicate cement, white cement production line has large difference on limestone mineral dressing, raw meal manufacturing and clinker cooling and white cement packing which open a new design area from the designing site of cement plant.
Anqing Beyaz Çimento Üretiminin proses karakterleri:
1.      Two segment crushing, three times screening and washing of limestone
1st limestone crushing is jaw crusher, 2nd crushing chooses to utilize hammer crusher. After a specific crushing and three times screening of limestone, 1st and 3rd screening is liner vibrating screen, 2nd screening is rotary screening and washing and add hammer crusher into 3rd screening. This could ensure that no limestone with impurity enters into factory. After precipitation, washwater will separate the impurity and then re-cycle. The process of limestone crushing, screening and washing is complicated; the height difference of process distribution exceeds 50m.
2.      Raw meal manufacturing should be a combination of dry and wet process.
Kuvars kumu ve pirofilit üretmek için silikat hammaddesi kullanan beyaz çimento, silikat tozundan kaynaklanan kirliliği azaltmak için pirofilit, çeneli kırıcı ve silindir presin ezilmesinden sonra iki parça paralel bağlantı ile tek öğütme için ıslak işlem değirmenine girer. Islak işlem değirmeninin içinde kauçuk astar ve kayşat öğütücü kullanılır, bunun yanı sıra ham dikey değirmenin silindiri ve diski için alaşımlı malzeme kullanır ve öğütme işlemi için metal demiri azaltır. Kireçtaşı ve diğer hammaddeler öğütme için dikey değirmen kullanır, pirofilit bulamacı diğer hammaddelerle karışır ve daha sonra dikey değirmenin içinde kurutulur, çıkış farin dikey değirmeni içerik ve nemin kalifikasyonunu sağlamalıdır. Farin işleme prosesi için kuru ve ıslak proses öğütme kullanılması nedeniyle, dikey değirmen içindeki malzemenin kontrolü ve kurutulması için en zor tasarım noktasıdır.
3.  Clinker cooling system is very complicated
Clinker in outlet of kiln will go through one high temperature roller crusher, and then they will be quickly cooled to 100 centi degree via poaching engine, after that, the clinker will be transported by conveying equipment, as during water quenching process, white cement clinker is hot, thus water has become the steam thus it can’t be recovered which cause the much higher heat consumption for white cement calcination compared to that of normal Portland cement. In this project, control clinker temperature after the water quenching inside of poaching engine to be 550-600 centi degree, meanwhile second-cool the clinker to less than 100 centi degree by grate cooler after poaching engine which could recover the waste heat of exhausted waste gas of grate cooler and the waste gas exhausted from grate cooler with 180-200 centi degree could be used as 2nd air for rotary kiln head or 3rd air for calciner.
Yukarıda belirtilen kaçak avlama makinesinin tasarımı ve imalatı üzerindeki kontrol çok zordur, haşlama makinesinin içine su püskürtme yeterli toz haline getirilmelidir, püskürtme belirli bir aralıkla sınırlandırılmalıdır, sadece boşaltılan klinkere püskürtülebileceği anlamına gelir ve kaçak avlama makinesinin iç tuğlalarına püskürtmemeye çalışın, kaçak avlama motorundan çıkan buhar sıcaklığı 350-400 santigrat derece içinde kontrol edilmeli ve kaçak avlanma dışında klinker sıcaklığı kontrol edilmelidir Motor 550-600 santigrat derece içinde kontrol edilmelidir.
Beyaz çimento kalsinasyon sisteminin fırın kafası bölümünün proses akışı olarak, fırın kafasındaki yanma sistemi, döner fırın ve fırın kuyruğundaki yakma sistemi braketi normal Portland çimentosu yakma sisteminden daha yüksektir ve aynı tip döner fırına kıyasla, hepsi yaklaşık 9m daha yüksektir.
Diğerleri, atık ısıyı yeterince kullanmak için, bir ısı borulu ısı eşanjörü yapılandırır. Kaçak avlanmadan çıkan 350-400 santigrat derece buhar, ısı değişiminden sonra soğutma havasını 200 santigrat dereceye kadar ısıtır ve bu da kömür öğütme (dikey değirmen) ile kurutulabilir.  
4.  Preheating decomposition of burning system at kiln tail utilizes single series five-stage cyclone preheater and TTF three sprayed calciner meanwhile feeding could implement the toggle between 4 & 5 stages.
Waste gas after preheater should be used to dry raw meal for vertical mill, according to theoretic calculation, the drying requirements for raw meal with inlet moisture ≤15%; When the moisture fluctuation of raw meal grinding is large, moisture of raw meal is inside 15-16.5%, it should control to feed material from the connecting pipes of C3-C2 cyclone (means 4 stage preheating), and now the discharged waste gas of C2 stage could reach 420 centi degree which couldn’t meet the requirements for raw meal drying. Waste gas of raw meal vertical mill will enter into large-scale dust filter via 1st stage cyclone filter, then it will be exhausted, when raw meal vertical stop operation, waste gas discharged from C1 stage cyclone should enter into the large air pipes between C1 stage cyclone and high temperature fan to be sprayed for cooling, then it could enter into bag filter.
5. Çimento paketleme bölümü
Bitmiş çimento için bir adet 1 tonluk büyük torba ambalajının yanı sıra, klinker için bir adet 1 tonluk büyük torba paketleme ekipmanı ekleyin; Çimento paketleyici, beyaz çimento satış talebine göre 50 kg'lık kağıt torbaların yanı sıra torba filtre için 4.0 kg ve 25 kg'lık kağıt torba uygulayabilir.
Beyaz çimento üretim hattında hata ayıklama ve devreye alma
As too much key points of process and complicated process flow of white cement production line, meanwhile the rotary ire washer, poaching machine, 1300tpd grate cooler, wet process mill, 1t large paper clinker packer, 3rd air pipes, heat exchanger at kiln head, etc. are designed specially for 1300tpd white cement production line and they are put into operation for first time, thus debugging and commissioning is harder than expected. From the recent half years commissioning, the choice on process, equipments and process flow of Anqing White Cement Production Line is reasonable, however some individual equipment is not proper for white cement production and they has been adjusted during the commissioning, at present white cement has implemented continuous production, since this year, all main equipments has been proved and accepted part by part according to the requirements of contract.
Devreye alma sırasında, devreye alma sırasında yanma sisteminin maksimum çıkışı 1500tpd'yi aştı, hala bir miktar güncelleme alanı var.
The commissioning of Anqing White Cement Production Line has gradually been normal, white cement production line has stepped out into white cement area from designing angle and has some breakup in process and technology, accumulate some experiences, especially in the sides of raw meal producing & wet process grinding section, material slurry conveying, mill stop for cleaning, material slurry storage and measuring, moisture control of material slurry, at least from design side, there are 30 years no concern about this and the key point of white cement production process is that how to ensure the qualification of content & moisture of outlet raw meal of raw vertical mill. Look back to the whole design process of white cement production line, there is some lacking and inconsiderate points, for example the abrasive function of pyrophillite and its high grinding consumption, after quenching of poaching machine, seeding of white cement clinker is small and becomes harder and more abrasive, via commissioning, these problems has been solved out by adjustment, at present Anqing white cement production condition has reached or exceed the contract target. At present white cement produced by Anqing white cement plant has reliable performance and high quality, each index of that has exceed that of international extra class, sales market is quite good and white cement clinker has been exported to Australia.
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